Sunday, October 20, 2013


Seppuku is a Japanese suicide ritual that involves the slicing back and forth of the stomach until the abdomen is completely separated from the legs.  Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama commits seppuku when he finds out he is ordered to lead an attack on a his friends.  Although extremely repulsive, and in my opinion completely unnecessary, it is considered to be very honorable.  One who commits such an act becomes respected for doing do as long as his reasons are valid.  It was usually performed in front of spectators to prove toughness.  Only the most sacred samurai's would every consider doing such a thing.  This suicidal technique was used when a samurai would rather die with honor than become victim to his enemies.  This act of seppuku is incredibly symbolic of honor is the novel Patriotism.  The entire book is brought together through the concept of honor and standing up for you believe in.  It gives the reader the chills reading about how loyal one person can be to something.

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