Monday, October 21, 2013

The Secret

In chapter four of Hatchet we are finally introduced to what "the secret" is.  It has been referred to on multiple occasions throughout the novel previously but Gary Paulsen really never gave us much information about it other than it was something deep wondering around in Brian's mind that he did not necessarily want to think about.  Brian's parents are going through a divorce that is very tough and depressing for him.  He is confused as to why his dad is constantly upset. In chapter four, during a dream of Brian, we find out that "the secret" is that one day while riding his bike, Brian saw his mother kissing a man in a car that he could recognize was not his father.  Brian never told his father about this just because he had a funny feeling inside of him that he probably shouldn't.  This whole concept puzzled Brian and it wasn't until he was stranded in the middle of nowhere left to die that he understood what was happening that day when he saw his mother in the car with that odd man.  At that moment Brian experienced an epiphany.  He realized that his parents were getting a divorce because his mother was cheating on his father.  Brian became completely enraged with anger.  This secret was a symbol used by Paulsen.  "The secret" was a part of Brian's unconscious mind that did not want to come out.  It was so disturbing to him that when he saw it his mind couldn't process it all at once so his brain just stored it away.  It represented the breakthrough in the reason why Brian so felt so weird for a long time.  It was that moment when Brian understood "the secret", that Brian was able to understand a tremendous more about what was happening in his life.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Friend Named Fire

Fire has been used by man to stay alive and aid in other aspects of living since the beginning of time.  It is a tool nature has generously given to us that we are to not take for granted.  In the novel, Hatchet, a thirteen year old boy named Brian is suffering a divorce between his parents.  While being a solo passenger in a single engine air plane the pilot has a heart attack leaving young Brian alone in the aircraft.  He somehow manages to land the plane in the middle of a lake in the woods.  Beaten up but not dead Brian makes a small shelter in the woods hoping that help will come soon to rescue him.  The only tool he has on him is a small hatchet.  After a relatively short time period in the wilderness Brian realizes that he desperately needs a fire to stay alive.  He uses his hatchet to strike a rock to create sparks on some dry brush he gathered to create a flame.  After hours and hours of work Brian had finally done it, he made fire.  Brian now became extremely attached to this fire, he never wanted to leave it for fear of it going out.  He felt as if this fire was the only thing keeping him alive.  But this fire turned into more than just a physical flame.  It became a friend to Brian.  Brian at this time was going through a very lonely segment in his life.  His parents were in the middle of a divorce which was very depressing for him and just to top it off the poor kid was stranded in the middle of nowhere thinking he probably was going to die.  This fire represented life to him.  It was the closest thing he could get to a person being there with him.  It almost acted like a person to.  This fire did favors for him just like a person would do favors for another person.  It kept him warm, he was able to cook food over it, and it kept the mosquitoes away at night as well as other animals.  Brian felt a human like bond with this fire.  It was a friend to him at a crucial part of his life.


Seppuku is a Japanese suicide ritual that involves the slicing back and forth of the stomach until the abdomen is completely separated from the legs.  Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama commits seppuku when he finds out he is ordered to lead an attack on a his friends.  Although extremely repulsive, and in my opinion completely unnecessary, it is considered to be very honorable.  One who commits such an act becomes respected for doing do as long as his reasons are valid.  It was usually performed in front of spectators to prove toughness.  Only the most sacred samurai's would every consider doing such a thing.  This suicidal technique was used when a samurai would rather die with honor than become victim to his enemies.  This act of seppuku is incredibly symbolic of honor is the novel Patriotism.  The entire book is brought together through the concept of honor and standing up for you believe in.  It gives the reader the chills reading about how loyal one person can be to something.

Honorable Decisons

Our decisions that we make are what define us as what kind of people we are.  It is always important to remember that the decisions that you make in your lifetime determine the legacy that you leave behind.  It is important to be proud of the choices you made in your life and if they are some choices that you made that you aren't so proud of to not dwell on them, rather focus on fixing them.  Patriotism, by Yukio Mishima, is a piece of literature that exceptionally illustrates making decisions that may not be easy, but are honorable.  Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama has to choose between his dearest friends and his occupation.  He is told that there are soldiers rebelling in a unit close to him and he is ordered to command an attack on the rebellions.  However, these men involved in this conspiracy happen to be close friends of Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama.  Killing these men is against everything inside of him so he returns to his wife and informs her of the situation.  He also informs her that he is going to kill himself rather than do something of that nature for that is not something he wants to be remembered for.  He commits seppuku, a Japanese suicide ritual that involves slicing the stomach in half.  This form of suicide solely revolves around honor.  The purpose of this gory act was to voluntarily kill oneself rather than fall in the hands of their enemies.  Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama was extremely honorable man knowing he could not possibly kill his friends.  His decision that he made reflects his honor as a man and his respect for others.  He made it clear that his legacy was more important to him than some order he had been given.  Sometimes it is important to walk the road less traveled upon.